Sunday, January 18, 2015

Fight the Cold

Sick Tips/Prevention

So right now I am fighting a cold, and I thought it would be nice to tell you guys how I try to prevent colds (even though they sometimes don't work:(). These tips are just prevention for getting sick that I use. I cannot guarantee these will work, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't.

1) REST. When I feel a cold coming on I try to get extra sleep or relax more. I also tend to wear more comfy, cozy clothes (sweatshirts, cartigans...[haha these are just my everyday normal clothes])

2) Eat Healthy. I try to eat more vegetables and drink more water when I am not feeling to good. Water will help you not get dehydrated and is just really good for your body overall. Also, I try to not eat as much junk food/ candy.

3) Vitamins. I try to remember to take my vitamins everyday, especially in the winter. I also take Vitamin C vitamins during the winter. There is also medicine you can use to either boost your immune system, or treat a cold if you get one.

4) Moisturize. So this may not be a sick tip, but when I get a stuffy nose I like to use a heavy duty chapstick and face moisturizer because I can get really dry, flaky skin. I especially have to moisturize around my nose and lips. 

5) So if all else fails and you do end up getting sick, here are some of my essentials to be comfy and get better. 
- Tissues to blow your nose all day 
- Blankets to snuggle up in all day to be cozy and warm
- Netflix (or any other TV/ movie service) to watch all day if you get stuck in bed 
- Water to stay hydrated and not get sicker
- Extra vitamins/ medicine
- Popsicles to eat because they feel really good on a sore throat and are just really yummy

Hope these tips helped(:



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