Tuesday, December 30, 2014

New Years Resolutions 2015

Hi! So I don't really do New Years Resolutions. Instead I make some goals for the New Year that I try to follow. 

1) Stop procrastinating with studying for school and actually study for tests. I am the biggest procrastinator when it comes to studying and most of the time don't even study. This semester I am going to start studying for tests. 

2) Start going to church more, at least once a month. I went to a youth group once a week for 2 years and then stopped. I would like to restart going and make it part of my routine now. 

3) Go to bed before 10pm on school nights and stop staying up super late. I'll be honest, I am a night owl. I have a bad habit of staying up late and then being really tired. I would like to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier (maybe even become a morning person). 

4) Redo my room and totally clean it out, including my closet. I recently painted a wall in my room and would like to redo it. I need to take everything out and donate some stuff and reorganize my room (weirdly organizing helps calm me down). 

5) Learn ASL (American Sign Language). I already know some, but I would like to be able to speak fluently with sign language. I got inspired to relearn it from Switched at Birth, where one of the girls is deaf. 

6) Learn/ start doing more yoga and exercising at least 5 days a week. I have a yoga mat and am fit, but I would like to get some muscle and yoga just looks fun. When I exercise I fell soo good and refreshed after and I think I need that now. 


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